Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Book review of The Thirteenth Unicorn

The Thirteenth Unicorn (The Ben Alderman Series Book 1) by W. D. Newman

Book price : Free
4 Stars out of 5 Stars
This was one interesting book. After finding a secret entrance to a place called Camelot. There seems to be Pop culture references from things like Doctor Who, The Hobbit, and the wizard of Oz. A better name for this book should have been something to do with the Snakers, who are evil Snake Men , as there is more about them then a witch who need 13 unicorn horns to free an evil wizard. Both the witch and the Snakers have an illusion of being powerful, but are easily destroyed. Near the end there was this one point where it got confusing. I thought it was interesting how they had a multiverse thing going on.           
I would recommend the book to people that like fantasy, alternate universes, and or mythical creatures 
read from 7/5-10/14
Date when  I got the book : May 7, 2013
Length of book 249 pages
Where book can be found : Amazon
About the author : W. D. Newman is the pen name for William Dale Porter. Dale lives on a farm in upstate South Carolina with his wife Melody and their two children Kyle and Isaac. He has a passion for horses and spends as much time as possible enjoying the great outdoors.

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