Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Reviews on Amazon vs. Goodreads vs. Smashwords

Of all the places on the web I have made reviews on this is what I think of them :
Give review and rate book on a scale of five stars

Give review title, review,  rate book on a scale of five stars, share on Facebook and Twitter, Also you can like or dislike other people's reviews, and comment on them. 
Give  review and rate book on a scale of five stars, share on Facebook and Twitter add who recommended it to you, and who you would recommend the book to,the date when you started reading it, when you finished it how many times you read it, where and when you got the book. You can share to Facebook and Twitter, Goodreads updates, and if you have an author profile on Goodreads, to your blog. Also you can like other people's reviews, and comment on them. 

Summary : There are a lot of options when making reviews on Goodreads, while on Amazon you can dislike other people's reviews. 

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