Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Blog updates 1

I have decided to make this blog be about my reviews of anything I'm writing about. Kindle stuff will still part of the blog.

Saturday, April 20, 2013

Kindle Touch Tips # 2

I'm always trying to see what my kindle touch web browser can't do and so

The other thing that's annoying is that only shows one letter of the title, as seen above on the right of the arrow. I know that an e-reader is for reading, but I like finding things it can also do.  

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Getting the most out of the kindle web browser

Although the e-ink kindle  web browser isn't that great, it does have some uses. Like adding free books without the USB cable for an example.
Another free book site I know of is: a site full different of free books.

A web app for the Kindle that I know of is: 
Social media sites like Facebook and Twitter also work great and so is checking gmail.
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Justyn's bookshelf: currently-reading

Rufus in Teralupis
5 of 5 stars
tagged: my-books and currently-reading
Lost Face
0 of 5 stars
tagged: currently-reading

Justyn's bookshelf: read

The Lightning Thief
5 of 5 stars
This is one cool book by Rick Riordan. Came upon it when I saw the movie trailer back in 09. This demi-god, Percy has to fight Greek mythology monsters, and is betrayed by a person he trusted. follows the myth of Percy Jackson with some...
tagged: myth and adventure
Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone
5 of 5 stars
This is the 1st book of a great series, Harry was about 11 when things changed for the better for him, he left his abusive family with the help of a half-giant to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft And Wizardry. Then makes lifelong friends, a...
tagged: magic and adventure
The Golem's Eye
4 of 5 stars
tagged: adventure and magic
Grip of the Shadow Plague
5 of 5 stars
tagged: adventure, animal, myth, and magic
5 of 5 stars
tagged: adventure and magic