Monday, July 14, 2014

Book review of legon awakening

Legon Awakening: Book One in the Legon Series By Nicholas Taylor 

Book price: Free
3 Stars out of 5 Stars
This was a somewhat interesting read, it was an Eragon type book where the main character is a butcher's son, and has an epileptic sister, Legon also has an awesome friend, and a resourceful mentor. So anyways, this book follows the the hero's journey cliche very well, which is a cliche I like in books.The things I didn't like is that there is one part that describes a guy about to rape a girl, and then it retells it from the view of the girl, lucky something stopped that from happening, and they also went to a brothel to save some sex slave. There were some grammar errors, but they were somewhat funny, as there was a person who was eaten, then was totally ok in the next sentence that mentioned them. In the Legon universe dragons are magic users that have ascended, there are evil magical beans called Iumenta that are the elves greatest enemy, and an evil queen rules the known land.  

I would recommend the book to people that like the eragon book series, dragons, elves, magic, and/or fantasy adventure
Read from April 14 to June 19, 2014
Date when I got the book : February 27, 2013
Length of book 410 pages
Where book can be found : Amazon, Smashwords
About the author : Hi, I’m Nicholas Taylor, I was born and raised in Denver, Colorado, possibly the greatest place on earth. I went to Dakota Ridge High and was in band– that’s right I was a band nerd and no, I don’t have any cool “one time at band camp” stories, so don’t ask.

I started writing in October of 2007. I was driving around with a friend and said “hey, I wonder if I can write a book.” So I thought I’d try and write outline and see what happens. Well, I finished the outline and I couldn’t just stop there. I needed to write chapter one and then that would be it. Do you see where this is going? Anyway, after chapter one was done, I had to finish the first book. But I wanted to get input as I went in order to write a better story. I decided to do a podcast of the first three chapters to see what people thought. After the first podcast, I decided that I wanted to continue to do it and more over, I wanted to get a larger listener base. It’s all been a wonderful journey from there.

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